1. How do I installed ArtSee onto my wordpress blog?

There are several files included in the ZIP folder. These include wordpress theme files, plugin files, and photoshop files. To installed your wordpress theme you will first need to upload the theme/plugin files via FTP to your server.

First you are going to upload the theme folder. Inside the ZIP folder you downloaded you will see a folder named "theme." Within it is a folder named "ArtSee." Via ftp, upload the "ArtSee" folder to your Wordpress themes directory. Depending on where you installed Wordpress on your server, the wp themes folder will be located in a path similar to: /public_html/blog/wp-content/themes.

Next you need to select ArtSee and make it your default theme. Click on the design link, and under the themes tab locate ArtSee from the selection of themes and activate it. Your blog should now be updated with your new theme.

2. How do I add the thumbnails to my homepage?

ArtSee utilizes a script called TimThumb to automatically resize images. Whenever you make a new post you will need to add a custom field. Scroll down below the text editor and click on the "custom fields" link. In the "Key" section, input "Thumbnail" (this is case sensitive). In the "Value" area, input the url to your thumbnail image. Your image will automatically be resized and cropped. The image must be hosted on your domain. (this is to protect against bandiwdth left)

Important Note: You must CHMOD the "cache" folder located in the ArtSee directory to 777 for this script to work. You can CHMOD (change the permissions) of a file using your favorite FTP program. If you are confused try folowing this tutorial. Of course instead of CHMODing the template folder (as in the tutorial) you would CHMOD the "cache" folder found within your theme's directory.

3. How do I add my title/logo?

In this theme, the title/logo is an image, which means you will need an image editor to add your own text. You can do this by opening the blank logo image located at Photoshop Files/logo.gif, or by opening the logo PSD file located at Photoshop Files/logo.psd. Replace the edited logo with the old logo by placing it in the following directory: theme/ArtSee/images. If you need more room, or would like to edit the logo further, you can always do so by opening the original fully layered PSD file located at Photoshop Files/ArtSee.psd

3. How do I edit the About Us section?

This can be done through the Theme Options page located in wp-admin. Click Design > Current Theme Options for a list of things that can be changed.